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Having a Valid Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship Before It’s Too Late!

What is the Power of Attorney?

The principal is the person who creates a power of attorney, and the attorney is the person who is appointed to act on their behalf. In this case, the term “attorney” refers to your authorised representative, who may or may not be a lawyer. The attorney is usually a close family or acquaintance.

While you may be able to manage your finances now, this may not be the case in the future.

You Can Appoint An Attorney for the Following:

  • a set time restriction or an infinite period
  • You may make a constrained control of lawyer to permit your lawyer to act on your sake whereas you’re absent from home
  • To deal with a specific circumstance in another state or abroad.

A Time-Limited Power of Attorney Remains in Effect Until You Die or Cancel It.

Unless you want your power of attorney to stay in effect even if you lose mental capacity after creating it, you must create an enduring eternal power of attorney.

What Does It Mean To Be A Guardian Under An Enduring Guardianship?

When you are no longer capable of making your own decisions, you might appoint an Enduring Guardian to manage and deal with your personal or health matters.

The Enduring Guardian can make decisions in the following areas:

  • Accommodation – to choose a place to live
  • Health Care – to decide what kind of health care you get
  • Services – determine the personal assistance you require to support and assist you.
  • Consent to medical and dental treatment — to provide or withhold consent on your behalf to medical and dental treatment.
  • Access – to choose who you should communicate with.

It’s vital to remember that you can only appoint an Enduring Guardian when you have mental capacity and the appointed Guardian will only make decisions on your behalf when you lose  your capacity to make such personal decisions for yourself, either partially or entirely.

if you lose your ability to make significant personal decisions for yourself entirely or partially.

An Enduring Guardianship cannot make decisions or manage your finances or possessions. Instead, you should appoint a general or Enduring Power of Attorney if you want someone else to make choices for you or handle your finances.

When Should a POA and AEG Be Made?

While you have the capacity, preparing a POA and AEG is critical.

If you lose capacity and have not prepared either document, you must apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s Guardianship Division to have these appointments made.

What’s the Difference Between Enduring Guardianship and Power of Attorney?

A power of attorney agreement allows you (the principal) to appoint someone else (the attorney) to manage and make financial and property-related decisions on your behalf.

A broad or enduring power of attorney exists. A general power of attorney is often granted for a set period and terminates when the principal loses mental capacity. You can set up an enduring guardianship when you want someone to make choices for you, even if you lose your cognitive ability.

Unlike a power of attorney, enduring guardianship permits someone else to make health and lifestyle decisions on your behalf.

What are the Advantages of Having a Lawyer Create Your Power of Attorney and Lasting Guardianship Documents?

  • Dealing With Difficult Situations

Life isn’t always simple, and selecting how much authority to grant your attorney or enduring guardian might be challenging. Mental health and capacity issues can sometimes cause complicated situations. For example, a lawyer can write power of attorney and enduring guardianship agreements to suit your individual needs. It implies they can limit an attorney’s or guardian’s abilities and ensure that they take effect at a specific time or for a particular amount of time.

  • Ascertain that Your Attorney and Everlasting Guardian Have the Appropriate Authority

If you’re designating a power of attorney or enduring guardianship, give them the authority they need. A general power of attorney, for example, does not provide an attorney with authority to make lifestyle or health decisions, whereas an enduring guardian cannot make financial decisions.

  • Protection

Because the decisions made by an attorney or enduring guardian are legally enforceable, involving a lawyer in the document preparation process is critical for your safety. Determine that the appropriate authority is granted to the appropriate person at the proper time.

  • Observant Requirements

Some documents require witnesses, and an attorney can make this procedure straightforward and speedy. A lawyer is one of the approved witnesses, and he or she may ensure that your control of persevering guardianship meets all witness necessities.

  • Verify the Validity of All Documents

When it comes to legal paperwork, there is no space for error. Make sure your durable power of attorney or enduring guardianship is updated. For example, an improper power of attorney or enduring guardianship could be upsetting and expensive for family members when it is needed.

Platinum Lawyers has highly skilled lawyers who can assist you in creating your power of attorney and Enduring Guardianship. Please call us at (02) 8084 2764!


  1. What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?
    • Answer: It is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to manage your financial and legal affairs if you lose the capacity to do so.
  2. What is Enduring Guardianship?
    • Answer: It is a legal arrangement where you appoint someone to make personal, health, and lifestyle decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to.
  3. Why is it important to have both an Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship?
    • Answer: These documents ensure that your financial and personal affairs are managed according to your wishes, even if you lose decision-making capacity.
  4. Who should I appoint as my attorney or guardian?
    • Answer: Choose someone you trust completely, who understands your wishes, and is capable of managing your affairs responsibly.
  5. When should I set up an Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship?
    • Answer: It’s best to set these up while you are still mentally capable to ensure your wishes are legally documented.
  6. What happens if I don’t have an Enduring Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship?
    • Answer: If you lose capacity, a court or tribunal may appoint someone to make decisions for you, which may not align with your preferences.
  7. Can I have different people for my Power of Attorney and Guardianship?
    • Answer: Yes, you can appoint separate individuals for financial and personal decisions based on their strengths and your preferences.
  8. Can I revoke or change my Enduring Power of Attorney and Guardianship?
    • Answer: Yes, as long as you still have the capacity, you can revoke or amend these documents at any time.
  9. Do these documents need to be registered?
    • Answer: In some jurisdictions, registration is required, particularly for property-related decisions. Check local laws for details.
  10. How can I ensure my documents are legally valid?
  • Answer: Work with a qualified solicitor or legal professional to draft and execute these documents correctly, adhering to state or territory laws.


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