Strange Australian Laws That You Didn’t Know Exist
Are you a law-abiding citizen? Can you say with certainty that you’ve never broken the law? Before you answer “yes” to those questions, you might want to read this blog. Australia is home to some of the strangest laws in the world. Most citizens aren’t even aware that such weird laws exist. While the chances of you copping a fine or getting arrested over violation of one of these laws is slim to none, it is nevertheless interesting to know about some of the very strange laws that govern the land we live in.
1. Disrupting a wedding or funeral
In South Australia, according to Section 7A of the Summary Offences Act 1953, intentionally disrupting a wedding, funeral or religious service or procession could result in a $10,000 penalty or 2 years of imprisonment. So, if you’re the sort to get a little too drunk at a wedding and get too boisterous, suffice it to say you’ve broken the law.
2. Having more than 50kg of potatoes in your possession
No, this is not a joke. In Western Australia, according to Section 22 of the Marketing of Potatoes Act 1946, it is an offence to be in possession of more than 50kg of potatoes. What’s more, Police can actually stop and search any vehicle suspected of carrying more than 50kg of potatoes. A first-time offender could get a penalty of up to $2,000, while subsequent offences could cop a $5,000 penalty
3. Operating a vacuum cleaner at specific times
In Victoria, making unreasonable noise with a vacuum cleaner after 10pm or before 7am on weekdays, and 9am on weekends, is considered an offence. This is in accordance with Section 48A of the Environment Protection Act 1970 (Vic), as well as the Regulation 6, Environment Protection (Residential Noise) Regulations 2008 (Vic). Police or the council can order you to stop making noises, and failure to abide can result in a fine of up to $18,655.20, with an additional fine up to $4,663.80 per day for continued violations.
4. Splashing mud on public bus passengers
NSW motorists need to take care to avoid splashing mud on public bus passengers. Failure to do so can lead to a fine of up to $2,200, according to the Regulation 291-3, Road Rules 2014 (NSW).
5. Corresponding or engaging in business with pirates
In Victoria, according to Section 70C of Crimes Act 1958, corresponding or doing business with pirates is illegal and can result in 10 years’ imprisonment.
Most of these laws made sense when they were first introduced. But the fact that they’re still around is what makes the entire situation funny. Whoever said law is boring? While these laws may sound obscure and borderline funny, there are other legal infractions, such as Traffic Offences, that are no laughing matter. At Platinum Lawyers, we have experienced traffic lawyers who can help you get the best possible outcome for a traffic offence.