Drug possession cases are the most seen in the criminal court rooms making them a routine procedure for lawyers. Often a larger percentage of drug possession cases involve arrests based on small amounts of possession of the prohibited substances. As hundreds of charges are made, many of the lawyers don’t proceed with as much intensity as other serious crimes are fought, making the defence weaker for the alleged person.
Criminal lawyers at Platinum Lawyers have a real passion for criminal law and have devoted their legal career to the area. As Platinum Criminal Lawyers in not only have the extensive knowledge but also formalised courtroom advocacy training, they fight each and every case to gain more favourable results. Unlike others, Platinum Criminal Lawyers don’t handle drug possession charges in Sydney as a routine case leading to extended sentences and charges. Fighting the charges with tactic, using multiple depositions and other procedural work, Platinum Criminal Lawyers work hard to get a more favourable outcome for their client.
Thanks to the extensive experience and training, we are able to offer an efficient and effective service when dealing with police and criminal court proceedings, no matter how ‘routine’ a case may be considered by others. Using several different possible routes, our Drug Possession Lawyers in Sydney find weaknesses in the case to establish the innocence of the alleged. These weaknesses can be discovered and proved depending on the circumstances.
For example, if an officer stopped your car for checking, the reason of them stopping your car should be legal. Then, there are possibilities that a drug was found in your possession due to circumstances. You might have borrowed a car from someone and when you were pulled over for speeding or breaking any other traffic rule, a drug was found in your possession. However, the drug possession lawyers will have to establish that those drugs do not belong to you, but to the owner of the vehicle. This works in both ways: you could also have been tricked into delivering drugs from one place to another by someone you trust. There are several cases when a colleague borrows your car, leaving some drugs behind intending to retrieve them at the destination.
Your drug possession lawyer will just have to find and exploit several aspects of a case to your advantage. However, considering drug possession charges are a routine, lawyers don’t defend the case with as much evidence, proof and tactic as they should. If you are also feeling like your drug possession lawyer isn’t exploring all the avenues to minimise the damage or help you drop the charges, contact Platinum Lawyers at (02) 8084 2764. to get professional and dedicated assistance.