Have You Been Caught Speeding?

Have You Been Caught Speeding?


The penalties are heavy for speeding in New South Wales

A common question people ask when they are caught speeding is ‘what fine am I expected to pay if I am caught speeding?’ At Platinum Lawyers Parramatta, we have put together a table to explain the fines you can expect to pay if you are caught speeding in Sydney.

Speeding fines start at a minimum of $119 and may exceed $2435. Speeding may involve demerit points as well as possible driving suspension periods that Roads and Maritime Services (RTA Sydney) may punish you with. Our team of legal specialists help you understand Traffic Law – an area in which we have a success rate of 99% of all cases that we take on.

Platinum Lawyers Parramatta has helped over 500 people overturn or reduce penalties that clients have faced for traffic offences over the last 5 years.

Speeding Fines

Speeding is the leading cause of death and injury on our roads in New South Wales.

Every year, 740 people are killed whilst speeding and 20,500 people are injured (1,500 of them severely) because of speeding motorists.

Many have lost their capacity to earn a living or to return to life the way they knew it because of accidents caused due to speeding on our roads.

Because of the clear link between accidents (many of them fatal) and speeding, the Law of the Commonwealth of Australia does not regard speeding offences kindly.

Have you received a Speeding Ticket in New South Wales?

This chart details the fines you may have to pay.

Speed Excess Demerit Points Light Vehicles (cars) Suspension Notice
Up to 10 km 1 $119 No license suspension
10km – 20km 3 $275 No license suspension
20 km -30km 4 $472 No license suspension
30km – 45km 5 $903 3 months (minimum)
Over 45 km 6 $2435 6 months (minimum)

Speeding in school zones

Australia takes its children, their education and their safety very seriously.

Fines for speeding offences committed in School Zones are higher than in any other zones.

Platinum Lawyers Sydney strongly advises its clients and potential clients to pay attention to the signs, avoid using their mobile phones when driving (even if it happens to be on bluetooth) and to ‘slow down’ when approaching school zones and pedestrian crossings.

Have you received a Speeding Ticket in New South Wales in a School Zone?

This chart details the fines you may have to pay.

Speed Excess Demerit Points Light Vehicles (cars) Suspension Notice
Up to 10 km 2 $196 No license suspension
10km – 20km 4 $353 No license suspension
20 km – 30km 5 $588 No license suspension
30km – 45km 6 $1,139 3 months (minimum)
Over 45 km 7 $2,585 6 months (minimum)


What are your options if you’re caught speeding?

  1. Pay the Fine
  2. Name the person driving your car – if it wasn’t you
  3. Request a review of the ticket that has been issued to you
  4. Consult a lawyer and get them to take the matter to court

Should you contest a speeding fine?

You should request legal advice before you decide to contest a speeding fine.

A Good Legal Firm can make a big difference to the outcome of your speeding offence.

The Solicitor handling your matter will readily challenge the matter in court if it is in your best interests to. A Good Lawyer who is experienced in resolving speeding fines in New South Wales will question the accuracy of the police measurement instruments used to calculate your vehicle’s speed.

They will also question the police department’s estimation of your vehicle’s speed due to the inaccuracy automated instruments have been known to show from time to time.

When can you contest a speeding fine?

You can contest a speeding fine that is imposed by the Roads and Maritime Services in NSW (RTA NSW), when you have reason to believe that you were travelling at a speed lower than what a police officer or a camera recorded.

Are you a victim of an inaccurate speed camera or police officer?

Whether you were detected by a speed camera or a police officer, either form of detection could have inaccurately recorded the speed at which you were travelling, which then allows you to take your matter to court.

It is important to have a good lawyer that understands what the law will accept as a reason to overturn a fine and what it will not be accept.

Should you challenge your fine?

Many people receive a speeding fine and pay it without realising that after it has been paid, you can no longer dispute it if you wish to.

We advise our clients to challenge a speeding ticket when it holds a heavy penalty and when it places you at risk of losing your license, as well as your form of transport to and from work.

The purpose of challenging a speeding ticket is to try and lower the penalties that the officer or perhaps speed camera have imposed on you; it is not to avoid the fines altogether.

A Solicitor who understands the Law will be able to guide you so your Speeding Fines are as minimal as they can possibly be. With extensive experience in Road Traffic Offences and success in 99% of all cases that we undertake, Platinum Lawyers Sydney would be pleased to discuss your Speeding Penalty you so we assist you take action that minimises it.

To speak to one of our experienced Traffic Lawyers, please call us now at Platinum Lawyers Sydney on (02) 8084 2764.  You will not be charged for your call.

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