A. Moutasallem
In certain circumstances, it is inevitable that a person convicted of a drink driving offence will lose their licence for a period of time.
However, no matter how desperate your circumstances are our experienced drink driving lawyers will do their utmost to get you back onto the road.
If your circumstances are suitable, our drink driving lawyers can request that the court allow you to participate in the interlock program. Essentially the program allows participants to serve a shorter disqualification period if the participant agrees to install an interlock device for a period of time.
An interlock device is an in-car breath alcohol analyser that is connected to the ignition of the vehicle. The device restricts the participant’s ability to drive if their blood alcohol concentration is higher than a certain level.
The program is voluntary and people who wish to make use of the program must bear the costs of the device’s installation.
Our drink driving lawyers have extensive experience with the interlock program and are skilled in drawing to the court’s attention the relevant considerations in a persuasive manner.
The program may be an option for some; however, for others the lengthy period of time that the interlock device will have to remain installed may be unjustifiably cumbersome.Platinum Lawyers offer all kinds of lawyers, for more details please call to (02) 8084 2764.